Dark fantasy short story about integrity turns 5

Cover for "Hello, Wizard": Eerie blue flames burn a piece of parchment paper atop a stony background.Hello, wizard.

You know what I need to hear.

I’m listening.

Deep in a sunless dungeon, a father struggles to hold onto hope.

Then the glowing notes arrive. They offer freedom—for a very simple price.

But some things should never be for sale, even in the darkest places…

HELLO, WIZARD is a tense dark fantasy of integrity and temptation. 

Today, Hello, Wizard turns 5! This is a great short read if you want something dark, but with a hopeful ending.

Buy this ebook short story direct from me today

Click here to buy the ebook from other digital retailers; paperback available on Amazon


Steel City, Veiled Kingdom (my epic-length flagship sci-fi novel) turns 5 today!

Cover for STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM: THE COMPLETE EDITION - A man in a labcoat holding a rabbit on a strange device, with a monster in the background.

Amazing painting by Katie Payne (https://www.katiepayne.com/)

Today, my flagship sci-fi/fantasy novel Steel City, Veiled Kingdom turns 5!

Lately I’ve been referring to SCVK (the shortened version of Steel City‘s title; all the cool kids are using it) as my GATTACA novel; I wrote it without any expectations of writing another novel, so I put my entire heart into it, like it was the only thing I was ever going to write.

Obviously I was wrong! I’ve since written many other novels and short stories–including a sequel to this very book!

If you like EPIC-length sci-fi drama full of vivid characters, intriguing culture clashes, and occasional humor, you’ll want to give Steel City, Veiled Kingdom a look!

Get your ebook direct from me today!

Click here to buy the ebook from other digital retailers

Individual paperback volumes available on Amazon (The Complete Edition is too big for just one paperback!)

Happy 5th birthday to this feisty dragon story!

Cover for DEBUTS AND DRAGONS, featuring a green dragon wearing sunglasses, earrings, and a necklace

A simple cover, but I still like it.

Five years ago on this date, I published DEBUTS AND DRAGONS. It’s about a dragoness who must find a mate in one night or lose her entire dowry.

This story’s got like a billion of my favorite dragon names in there. If you’re in the mood for something short, light, and fun, I recommend this one!

It’s also available in large print and makes a great gift!

Get your copy of this lighthearted fantasy comedy today!

Click here to buy the ebook from other digital retailers

Paperback and Large Print paperback available on Amazon

Happy belated book birthday to a furry Christmas short story

The Purrfect Christmas (Cover). Three animals: a smiling Golden retriever wearing a sequined santa hat to the left, a gently smiling orange tabby wearing a green bow to the right, and frowning in the middle, a grumpy longhaired brown tabby.

I don’t know, is it time to replace this cover? Still pretty cute, though!

Yesterday was the EIGHTH birthday of one of my earliest published stories: The Purrfect Christmas.
This is such a good one to read to kids. It’s a family-friendly Christmas short story starring some talking cats and dogs that’s funny but teaches some good lessons. And since there’s 12 short chapters, you can read one each night before Christmas (and the epilogue on Boxing Day) for a fun new family tradition!

It’s currently only available as an ebook. Working on that. (It just seems like it won’t be complete without illustrations, and adding those so far has been a lot of work!)

Kick off Christmas early with this cute short story!

Or click here to buy the ebook from other digital retailers.



A belated book birthday to my saltiest tale, THE GIRLFRIEND WHO WASN’T FROM DELAWARE

Cover for THE GIRLFRIEND WHO WASN'T FROM DELAWARE - A giant hand made of blue static reaches down to pluck an apartment out of a building like a Jenga block

This was one of the first book covers I created. I still think it’s striking.

Apartment walls are thin. Reality may be thinner.

When terrible nighttime noises threaten his sleep and livelihood, a man sets out to track down the source in my creepy midlength story THE GIRLFRIEND WHO WASN’T FROM DELAWARE.

The cover’s long overdue for a revamp…but I still like what I came up with.

People have told me they like the Girlfriend character. I based her off Celine Dion. And I imagine the jumpsuit she shows up in is really cool.

Discover the secrets of THE GIRLFRIEND WHO WASN’T FROM DELAWARE today!

Or click here to buy it from the big box stores (digitally speaking).



A Double Spooky Book Birthday! (One’s belated, whoops…)

I’ve been sick the past week, not even getting out of bed, let alone LOOKING at my calendar…which is why this first spooky book birthday is belated!

Cover for Bona Ossuaria: A Home Renovation Horror Story. Two smiling women stand back to back, superimposed above a red house and a disturbingly off-colored sky. The tagline reads Good bones. Gone bad.

GetCovers.com did the cover design!

Yesterday, on October third, my home renovation horror story Bona Ossuaria turned ONE! It feels a little older, probably because I did a Kickstarter for it a few months before its official release.

There’s a story behind that.

I got the idea for Bona Ossuaria (AKA “Bona) after a watching a certain HGTV program for a few seasons. The show has a fun and wholesome vibe–and I still love it–but my writer brain couldn’t help but see things going…let’s say, darkly wrong with the hosts. So when an anthology themed around houses and homes came along, I took the home reno horror story idea and ran with it. 

Bona didn’t get into the anthology, nor into any of the other places I submitted it. But I believed in my little spooky story, and it wound up funding in under a week on Kickstarter, hooray!

If you like slow-burn, female-forward horror stories, give Bona Ossuaria a try today!


What the Cat Brought Back (Cover). A terrified cat looks on at something we can't see; grungy text appears over him. A red rip in the image contains the title.

Digital illustration by Danielle Williams

Now for today’s book birthday.

On this day SEVEN years ago, I published one of my first spooky short stories: What the Cat Brought Back. In it, a loving cat begins bringing his owner terrifying gifts from parts unknown.

This story will probably hit me differently from now on. I dedicated it to my freshman roommate, Erin Murphy, AKA “Roomie.” We were only roommates for a year, but it was a brilliant year of laughter and camaraderie and bad “Homestar Runner” impressions. She moved off-campus the next year and we drifted apart, but I missed her and thought about our friendship long after I departed college.

When we were roommates, she didn’t look anything like the character “Roomie” in Cat. But I had our close relationship in the back of my mind (and her talent for crochet) when I wrote the story.

Last year I learned Erin died from a drug overdose, far, FAR too young. (Don’t do drugs, okay? It breaks people’s hearts.) Checking this blog’s entries, I realize I didn’t get to these book birthdays last year, so I never really talked about it.

Anyway, that background aside, this is a short, macabre read to get you ready for hardcore Halloweentimes. Heck, get this AND Bona and enjoy a Pixelvania creepy double-feature!

Find out What the Cat Brought Back today!

A fabulous French bulldog novella turns 7 today!!

Love Potion Commotion! (Cover). A white French bulldog winks at the viewer over a cauldron that bubbles pink smoke. Behind him, a brindle Frenchi looks on suspiciously.

Enjoy this cover while you can! It’s getting a makeover soon…

Whoa, Nelly! Fashion Frenchies #1: Love Potion Commotion! is turning SEVEN today!

If this book were a TV series, it’d probably sit alongside Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie, two other “family fantasy” comedies. It has some romance, sure, but that’s not the story’s sole focus–though my first reader also said it reminded her of a Hallmark movie. Very upbeat, very light, very fun.

 I wish I could let you all into my brain for a sec to hear how the white French bulldog, Marty, sounds. His voice always cracks me up.

A sequel is coming soon, and with it…a new cover for the entire series! And both books released in paperback. Hooray! But first I have to draw said cover 😱 Wish me luck!


Cat Horror Story inspired by BilliSpeaks turns 2 today!

Cover for BAD TIDINGS FROM QUEEN SOPHIE: An eerie cat's face emerges from the dark below the title text.

This is still one of my favorite covers.

Today we celebrate the second birthday of Bad Tidings from Queen Sophie, my very first short story sale!

Queen Sophie was inspired by three things:

  1. BilliSpeaks, a YouTube channel about a cat who could talk using buttons (RIP Billi, love you, miss you!)
  2. The mind-bogglingly obscure secrets/hacks people find in games like Dark Souls
  3. Language translation apps

And while I’ve listed it under the horror genre…after seeing peoples’ reactions after reading, it might be a little bit of a horror-comedy, to be honest.

Every cat-lover will probably get a kick out of this. Queen Sophie is another great story to kick off the spooky season!

Get your copy of Queen Sophie today

Or listen to it for free at the NoSleep Podcast!


Creepy ASMR horror story turns 3 today!

Cover for CHRYSTINE'S SLEEP SOLUTION: a front view of a woman with her eyes peacefully closed, but in front of her mouth is a cellphone displaying a distorted, screaming mouth on its screen.

Check out that creepy digital font! Yeah!

Happy Book Birthday to my short horror story Chrystine’s Sleep Solution. It’s still one of my favorites, inspired by insomnia, ASMR, and sleep apps.

Need a creepy read for spooky season? You should take a look at Chrystine! It’s short, surreal, dreadful…in other words, it’s a perfect warmup for the fall horror season!



Cute Christian Kitty Christmas Story turns 6 today!

A GINGERSNAP CAT CHRISTMAS Book Cover: A ginger cat with a halo smiles at a terrified black and grey kitten hiding behind him.

Illustration by Danielle Williams.

Today marks the 6th birthday of my cute Christian Christmas novel A Gingersnap Cat Christmas.

If you love cats (or have a little cat lover in your family), and want to see a positive portrayal of the Christian faith melded with a feel-good Christmas special, this is definitely one you’ll want to check out before the holidays roll in.

This is a landmark book in Pixelvania history: it was the first paperback I ever (by myself) produced, inside and out. I knew little about making book interiors, working with Scribus (my book interior layout program), and sizing for print, but I put in the work and it turned out pretty nice!

Lately I’ve considered updating it, inside and out, but I still really like the cover illustration. I feel like these days the trend is to use photographs, so I might consider that? We’ll see!