Happy belated book birthday to a furry Christmas short story

The Purrfect Christmas (Cover). Three animals: a smiling Golden retriever wearing a sequined santa hat to the left, a gently smiling orange tabby wearing a green bow to the right, and frowning in the middle, a grumpy longhaired brown tabby.

I don’t know, is it time to replace this cover? Still pretty cute, though!

Yesterday was the EIGHTH birthday of one of my earliest published stories: The Purrfect Christmas.
This is such a good one to read to kids. It’s a family-friendly Christmas short story starring some talking cats and dogs that’s funny but teaches some good lessons. And since there’s 12 short chapters, you can read one each night before Christmas (and the epilogue on Boxing Day) for a fun new family tradition!

It’s currently only available as an ebook. Working on that. (It just seems like it won’t be complete without illustrations, and adding those so far has been a lot of work!)

Kick off Christmas early with this cute short story!

Or click here to buy the ebook from other digital retailers.



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