Steel City, Veiled Kingdom (my epic-length flagship sci-fi novel) turns 5 today!

Cover for STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM: THE COMPLETE EDITION - A man in a labcoat holding a rabbit on a strange device, with a monster in the background.

Amazing painting by Katie Payne (

Today, my flagship sci-fi/fantasy novel Steel City, Veiled Kingdom turns 5!

Lately I’ve been referring to SCVK (the shortened version of Steel City‘s title; all the cool kids are using it) as my GATTACA novel; I wrote it without any expectations of writing another novel, so I put my entire heart into it, like it was the only thing I was ever going to write.

Obviously I was wrong! I’ve since written many other novels and short stories–including a sequel to this very book!

If you like EPIC-length sci-fi drama full of vivid characters, intriguing culture clashes, and occasional humor, you’ll want to give Steel City, Veiled Kingdom a look!

Get your ebook direct from me today!

Click here to buy the ebook from other digital retailers

Individual paperback volumes available on Amazon (The Complete Edition is too big for just one paperback!)

New sci-fi dramedy release! THE GUESTS OF CROOKED NECK out now!

After a successful Kickstarter (funded in under a week!), I’m happy to announce that my stormy sci-fi novel THE GUESTS OF CROOKED NECK is now available to the general public in both ebook and paperback!


Cover illustration by Danielle

BUY DIRECT from Danielle

Buy everywhere else


In the small town of Crooked Neck, the townsfolk eagerly await the arrival of the galaxy’s two most notorious war criminals.

All except one.

Months ago, the town’s celebrated host, Keonaona Hoʻokano, accepted the duty of housing the dangerous pair.

But things have changed. Now that the day is here, Keonaona wants nothing to do with them.

As the deadly couple approaches his darkened estate, Keonaona spies from the shadows. His next move will set off a chain of events whose repercussions extend far beyond his doorstep.

They will turn the eyes of the galaxy to his hometown.

And they just might push Keonaona past his breaking point…

THE GUESTS OF CROOKED NECK is a moving science fantasy about grief, pride, and being seen. This standalone novel set in the Worlds of Everlush universe takes place soon after the events of STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM.

* * *

Say hello to one of my most atmospheric books yet! Crooked Neck is the sequel to my flagship novel Steel City, Veiled Kingdom, but you don’t need to have read that book to understand Crooked Neck. I wrote it so anyone could enjoy it.

If you want a story that will transport you, then I think you’ll really like it.

Or if you’re one of the following, you will probably enjoy The Guests of Crooked Neck:

  • A sci-fi/fantasy fan looking for a matureish sci-fi drama full of vivid characters, intriguing culture clashes, and occasional humor in the vein of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
  • A sci-fi/fantasy fan who wants to visit a richly imagined setting inspired by upcountry Hawai’i.
  • A sci-fi/fantasy fan hungry for a substantial read: Crooked Neck is about the same length as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • A sci-fi/fantasy fan who likes your stories grounded and heartfelt, but not soppy.
  • A reader who enjoys books with multiple viewpoint characters. Crooked Neck switches between three main viewpoint characters for most chapters.

Sound good? Then click the green button. 👇️

Support an indie author and BUY DIRECT from Danielle

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The Pixelvania Publishing Proclamation o’ Progress, September 2024 Edition

The Pixelvania Publishing Proclamation o’ Progress is a semiannual post detailing what’s going on around here, and what might show up in the future.

Cute kitty photo at the end.



Earlier this year, I ran a successful early-release Kickstarter for The Guests of Crooked Neck, the reasonably-sized sequel to science-fantasy epic Steel City, Veiled Kingdom (SCVK). What was REALLY exciting this go-round is that I was able to offer paperbacks to backers, which seemed pretty popular!

Here’s some quick facts:

  • Crooked Neck funded in under a week!
  • By the end, it raised 127% of its goal, thanks to 25 wonderful backers.
  • 22 ebook copies of Crooked Neck were emailed to backers (and some reward tiers got SCVK, too, for a nice discount).
  • 7 paperback copies of Crooked Neck were shipped to backers!

If you missed the Kickstarter, good news! The Guests of Crooked Neck will be released to everybody in early November. Jump on my newsletter to get notified!


Earlier this year, I began posting my latest entertainment/household/food/whatever recommendations on the final Friday of each month. They’ve been pretty fun to do, so I think I’ll keep that up! Here’s what I’ve recommended so far.

Currently in Production


I finished writing and typing up the manuscript for family-friendly fantasy comedy Fashion Frenchies 2: Salute a Pooch! a few weeks ago. Also, SURPRISE! I renamed it. Now, instead of Salute a Pooch! it’s called The Pooch Salute!, which sounds punchier to my ear.

I’m currently hunting for a dog-loving Friendly Reader to check for typos so it can continue to the next stage of production.

(If you want to know when it’ll be released, sign up for my newsletter.)


In the meantime, I’m also working on revamping the cover for the ENTIRE Fashion Frenchies series. While I’m at it, I’ll also be turning the first book, one of the first I ever published, into a paperback. Anyway, here are some initial drawings:


Ink sketch of an elderly Asian woman. She wears like, a pirate coat and all kinds of bangly jewelry. She has huge glasses like Iris Apfel.

Vivian Feng


Pencil sketch of a toony French bulldog.

Marty the French Bulldog

I have three books in mind for this series, and I really hope a fourth will present itself because it feels like this series should be a quartet. Possibly a Christmas story?

Speaking of Christmas…how do you feel about some sci-fi Christmas?


I’m in the middle of writing (what I hope will be) a short story set in the Worlds of Everlush universe, taking place soon after The Guests of Crooked Neck. In my head it’s a Christmas story, but, being set on a sci-fi world, it’s obviously NOT Christmas, but it’s a gift-giving holiday so niener. I’ve had the idea in my head for some time, and it’s turning out to be funnier than I expected, which I like!

Future Plans, Plotting, and Scheming

Once the FASHION FRENCHIES work is off my plate, I think I’ll start another project or two concurrently with GIFTS. Here are the top contenders:

  • A Capramancer Christmas sequel (“Christmas with the Capramancer”? “The Capramancer Christmas Caper”? Anyway, I’m JAZZED about this idea LIKE WHOA. Lot of fun stuff could be had!)
  • Fashion Frenchies 3: The Bald and the Beautiful. (It will be a comedic Halloween story where the Fengs foster a hairless or near-hairless cat. I’ve had the base idea for AGES. Kind of a horror-comedy, heavy HEAVY on the comedy!!, less horror, more spoopy.)
  • For serious, actually step on the Nosferatu Novel train and ride it to the end. (This is intimidating because part one, unfinished–PART ONE!! UNFINISHED!!–is over 86,000 words. Part Two has 12,000 words completed and Part Three just under a thousand words. So I think it’s gonna be BEEG. It’s also been years since I’ve looked at it. Very intimidating but I gotta do it! And painting the covers will be a bear, too, I think.)
  • To be honest, another project that’s been weighing on me is getting The Purrfect Christmas out into paperback. It could be out in paperback quite quickly, but I’ve been putting it off because I think it should have illustrations. Except I haven’t found the energy to make the illustrations. Help me out here–would you rather have it out in paperback this year sans illustrations, or wait for a full revamp (including a nice shiny new cover)?
  • I still have 2 cat horror stories rolling around in my head
  • And ancient novel, the Gardeners of Palomar, is still lurking…

That ends my news, plotting, and scheming!

The Aforepromised Kitties

Here is your reward of a CAT PHOTO

Inside a room, a grey and white cat lurks on top of a tropical-patterned lawn chair. Below him in a cardboard bowl-bed, an orange and white cat lounges.

Intern Barnaby Jones lurking above his boss, Pixel J. Cat, lounging in a cardboard bowl-bed-box. They are surrounded by kitty treasures and toys.

Until next release, I wish you good health and happy reading! – Danielle








A stellar sci-fi book turns 4 today (Plus: a thrilling announcement!)

Wow! Today is the 4th birthday of my epic sci-fi novel Steel City, Veiled Kingdom! (Better known round these parts by its nickname, SCVK.) Hoo, BOY that went fast. Seems like I just released it yesterday!

This is one of my most popular books. If you like your sci-fi novels heavy on the wonder with a little horror stirred in and peppered with humor, you might like it, too! Click the cover to find out more.

Cover for STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM: THE COMPLETE EDITION - A man in a labcoat holding a rabbit on a strange device, with a monster in the background.

Find out more about SCVK

But what’s even MORE exciting is that this book’s little brother is on the way! That’s right, SCVK’s sequel is launching soon! It’s a stormy sci-fi drama called The Guests of Crooked Neck. It’ll be releasing first to Kickstarter in 2024. Check out the cover!


The Guests Of Crooked Neck is a moving science fantasy about grief, pride, and being seen. This standalone novel set in the Worlds of Everlush universe takes place soon after the events of Steel City, Veiled Kingdom–but you can read it as a standalone novel just fine.

As a story, Crooked Neck is the inverse of SCVK: where SCVK was an epic adventure spanning a few in-story years, exploring all corners of the galaxy through the eyes of a single character, Crooked Neck is an intimate drama switching between three main characters that stays put in one small town for a single weekend. But both books contain colorful characters and engrossing worlds.

If that sounds like it’s up your alley, I hope you’ll click the button below and join me on the journey of launching the second Worlds of Everlush novel!

Click here to be notified when The Guests of Crooked Neck launches!

Celebrating another out-of-this-world book birthday!

Happy third book birthday to science-fantasy epic Steel City, Veiled Kingdom!

Normally when I release books, I don’t care much about the date of release. But I finished SCVK early enough that I could plan a specific date. So I made sure the book shared its birthday with the lead character, Jerimin. So happy birthday to him, too!

You’ll see Jer again soon when I Kickstart SCVK’s sequel, THE GUESTS OF CROOKED NECK later this year. Stick around…! Or in the meantime, prepare by grabbing the first book!

Cover for STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM: THE COMPLETE EDITION - A man in a labcoat holding a rabbit on a strange device, with a monster in the background.Science fiction lovers, find out more

5 Great Books for your Fantasy Reader in 2021 – The Pixelvania Publishing Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Most fiction lovers enjoy a receiving new paperback around the holidays, but it can be tricky picking out the right book for your fantasy reader friend. Do you buy a popular title that your reader may already own? Or do you send a gift card and hope opening it doesn’t feel lackluster on the big day?

Here’s another option: consider buying a fantasy book written by an independent author like me, Danielle Williams! It’s fun discovering a new up-and-coming writer who hasn’t yet caught the wave of popularity–and it practically guarantees your fantasy reader won’t have a copy in their collection yet.

To help you shop, here’s 5 books from my catalog that would make a great holiday gift for your fantasy reader friend!

This list includes the the title’s paperback page count and assigned content rating from

Cover for MIDWINTER MAGIC: A stylized glowing reindeer leaps against the blue Northern LightsMidwinter Magic (91 paperback pages, rated All Ages)

Three interconnected fairy tales reimagine the origins of the Christmas elves, flying reindeer, and Santa Claus in this collection filled with timeless charm. Midwinter Magic is a terrific gift for fans of Jane Yolen or Ursula Vernon.

Get the book Find out more


Cover for THE CAPRAMANCER NEXT DOOR: A laughing woman wields a glowing shepherd's crook while a goat leaps through a portal overhead The Capramancer Next Door (175 paperback pages, rated Mild+, Also available in large print.)

A down-to-earth mage and her magical goats must protect their new neighbor when he crosses an angry fairy in this short novel. Grown fans of Harry Potter are sure to like The Capramancer Next Door for its magical yet grounded adventure that’s sprinkled with of humor and romance.

Get the book Find out more

(And if your reader likes stickers, grab our cool Elvis the Goat sticker here on Redbubble!)

Cover for STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM, PART 1 - A man in a labcoat holding a rabbit on a strange device, with a monster in the background. A seafoam green banner and some text near the bottom indicates that this is the first part.Steel City, Veiled Kingdom, part 1: Surface (246 paperback pages, rated Moderate)

In his darkest hour, an ambitious young scientist strikes a deal with the bizarre Queen of the faerie world. Little does he know her help comes at a cost even he cannot calculate.

Blending the sci-fi/fantasy flavors of Star Trek, GATTACA, and even The Fifth Element, this novel full of colorful characters and unique cultures spans five volumes and is the perfect match for the Brandon Sanderson or Dune fan in your life.

Friends with a voracious reader? Grab ’em The Complete Edition ebook instead–it’ll last ’em a while, believe me!

Get the book Find out more

A GINGERSNAP CAT CHRISTMAS Book Cover: A ginger cat with a halo smiles at a terrified black and grey kitten hiding behind him.A Gingersnap Cat Christmas (199 paperback pages, rated All Ages)

For Christian kids and kids-at-heart. If you ever wondered what HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN would’ve been like with feline stars, you’ll love A Gingersnap Cat Christmas. This full-length novel is available in two formats: eBook AND paperback–because everyone loves to unwrap a book.

This book is a great gift for:

      • cat lovers (of course)
      • fans of feel-good Christmas specials (like yours truly)
      • Christians (especially ones who want to see their faith positively portrayed)
      • voracious young readers (the paperback’s 200 pages!)
      • time-strapped families (25 chapters means you can read one a day until Christmas)
      • dog lovers (yup, couldn’t leave out the talking dogs!)
      • readers who enjoyed The Purrfect Christmas (you’ll see why in chapter nine 😉

Get the book Find out more

Cover for the large print edition of THE WITCHING LICENSE: A green hand grabs a purple witch's hat trailing stars against a magical glowing blue moon. The Witching License (Large Print Edition) (135 large print paperback pages, rated Mild+. Also available in standard print.)

A dying woman uses her last night on earth—and newfound magical powers—to right the most important wrongs in her life. By turns sassy and touching, The Witching License is a quicker read that your seasoned fantasy reader can enjoy in large print format.

Pixelvania Publishing’s large print books are designed according to specifications recommended by the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International, which gives these books a radically different look than my other paperbacks, so be sure to use the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon to make sure it’s what your reader will want!

Get the large print book Find out more

The Purrfect Christmas (Cover). Three animals: a smiling Golden retriever wearing a sequined santa hat to the left, a gently smiling orange tabby wearing a green bow to the right, and frowning in the middle, a grumpy longhaired brown tabby.

BONUS! Need a last-minute digital stocking stuffer? The Purrfect Christmas is a great choice! (digital only, rated All Ages)

A widow’s cat teams up with neighbors to save Christmas in this cute, Christian short story about helping others. Terrific for families who want something shorter to read together. With 12 chapters, you can read one chapter a day for the twelve days of Christmas, then finish the epilogue on Boxing Day!

Get the ebook Find out more

There you have it! My  gift recommendations for fantasy readers this 2021 holiday season! Happy shopping!


Intriguing science fantasy STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM just released in paperback!

Woohoo! It’s been over a year since the ebook releases, but the paperback volumes of Steel City, Veiled Kingdom are finally available for your reading pleasure! Click the banner below to grab your copies.

STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM is now out in paperback! Click here to get your copy on Amazon.

Buttloads of thanks go to Colleen over at Ampersand Book Interiors, who made the pages look absolutely stunning! I couldn’t be happier with these paperbacks!

The Pixelvania Proclamation of Progress, February 2021 Edition

The Pixelvania Proclamation o’ Progress is a semiannual post detailing what’s going on around here, and what might show up in the future. It also includes reviews of shows, books, games, products, etc. you may also like. It’s only posted twice a year so as not to clog up your valuable, beautiful brain space.

Cute kitty photo at the end.

Recap/Cover Makeover

Here’s what’s been published since the last post:

Nothing! Whoa! But I do have one thing to show off: thanks to artist Christian Bunyan, THE BUREAUCRAT’s got a new cover that ups the creep factor by ten! Here’s the before and after, in case you missed it:

Read More …

The Pixelvania Proclamation o’ Progress, February 2020

The State of the Pixelvania Pixelvania Proclamation o’ Progress is a semiannual post detailing what’s going on around here, and what might show up in the future. It’s only posted twice a year so as not to clog up your valuable, beautiful brain space.

The Recap

Since the last post, I’m happy to announce the publishing of:

(As you know, that last one’s been a long, long time coming!)

Additionally, I upgraded Pixelvania Publishing’s site theme and tinkered with the organization some. Hopefully, it’s easier to find any story to match the mood you’re in. If there’s an organizational category you’d like to see added, please drop me a line.

Currently in Production

Steel City, Veiled Kingdom (SCVK) – Print Books

Funny story—up ‘til December 2019, both me and my lovely print formatter, Colleen, thought we’d be publishing this behemoth as a one-volume paperback. One book. But after she received the final manuscript, she realized this CHONK of a novel was too big for Amazon’s Print-on-Demand to handle. She notified me of the hiccup and advised me to do the paperback in five separate chunks, to go with the five different sections of the story.

I agreed.

I spent all of December scrambling to get 6 ebooks—each of which needed slightly different cover designs to differentiate between parts—out by January 11th.

But none of the ebook OR print work could go forward until I created five new book descriptions, one for each of the now-separate parts. Keep in mind the original book description (currently in use for the Complete Edition) took me over a year to develop. Read More …