My Kickstarter ends in a few hours!

Just a few hours left in the Kickstarter campaign for The Guests of Crooked Neck!

CROOKED NECK Kickstarter "Ending Soon" banner

If you’re a science fantasy fan looking for a dramedy that’s a little off the beaten path, you’ll want to pledge ASAP. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait till the wide release in November.


Plus, if we reach our $550 stretch goal, every backer at every level will get an ebook copy of my lighthearted fantasy rom-com DEBUTS AND DRAGONS. (As of this writing, we’re very close, but not quite there!)

OR pledge $2 and grab one of my add-ons, like this adorable Jaguar habit tracker!

Please back or share with a science fantasy reader now! We’re close to hitting our stretch goal, but haven’t met it…YET!

And if you’ve backed already, THANK YOU!! I appreciate it!

Horror fiction fans who watch HGTV will love my new Kickstarter project!

BONA OSSUARIA, my new home renovation horror story, launched Tuesday on Kickstarter and (to my delight) is now fully funded!

BONA is a slow-burning morsel of surreal, psychological horror. Here’s the cover:

Cover for Bona Ossuaria: A Home Renovation Horror Story. Two smiling women stand back to back, superimposed above a red house and a disturbingly off-colored sky. The tagline reads Good bones. Gone bad.

If you back now, you’ll get the ebook early and at a discount, plus some classy-yet-sassy kitchen decor printables! Paperbacks will be available during the general release in October.

You can find out more about the story and pledge levels here:

Visit the BONA OSSUARIA Kickstarter page

 If you could pledge, I would love that (just $2 to get those printables!).

And it’d be FANTASTIC! if you could share the link to social media–that’d help me reach more potential readers, which is currently my biggest career challenge.