HGTV fans who read horror fiction will love my new release!

After a wildly successful Kickstarter (over 200% funded), I’m happy to announce that BONA OSSUARIA: A HOME RENOVATION HORROR STORY is now available to the general public AND available for the first time in PAPERBACK! Just in time for spooky season! 🎃

Cover for Bona Ossuaria: A Home Renovation Horror Story. Two smiling women stand back to back, superimposed above a red house and a disturbingly off-colored sky. The tagline reads Good bones. Gone bad.

They thought they were making changes to the house. But the house was making changes to them.

When their construction team discovers a hidden shaft while renovating a clients’ home, mother-daughter design duo Evelyn and Erika Ellsworth need an idea, quick.

But to Erika’s dismay, her flighty mom doesn’t just turn the shaft into her pet project: she refuses to let anyone else in on what she’s doing.

This isn’t the first time her mom’s gotten obsessive over a reno. And clients always love what she comes up with. So Erika decides to humor her.

That decision will prove fatal.

BONA OSSUARIA is a slow-burning morsel of surreal, psychological horror.

* * *

I got the idea for Bona Ossuaria after a watching a certain HGTV program for a few seasons. The show has a fun and wholesome vibe–and I still love it–but my writer brain couldn’t help but see things going…let’s say, darkly wrong with the hosts.

After reading it, my proofreader said she was never able to watch that program the same way ever again. Which delights me to no end!

The Kickstarter for this story funded in under a week, so that was also really cool (and educational, as my first–but definitely not my last–Kickstarter). I got to design some darkly funny printable posters for the Kickstarter that are now available for sale, go check them out.

Buy ebook direct from me!

Buy ebook everywhere else!

Buy paperback from Amazon!

Download printable wall art inspired by the story!

New horror-suspense tale CHRYSTINE’S SLEEP SOLUTION released just in time for Halloween!

I don’t know about you, but when fall arrives, it’s not pumpkin-spice-flavored-everything I look forward to. Instead, I like to get into the Halloween mood by reading spooky stories.

If you do, too, great news! I just released an original midlength horror story titled Chrystine’s Sleep Solution.

Cover for CHRYSTINE'S SLEEP SOLUTION: a front view of a woman with her eyes peacefully closed, but in front of her mouth is a cellphone displaying a distorted, screaming mouth on its screen.

It’s about a woman who downloads a phone app to help her sleep, but…there’s something off about it.

Get the details here


Buy it now

Paperback only available at Amazon. Ebook available at your favorite digital retailers.

I’m very pleased how this one turned out, and I hope you like reading it as much as I did writing it!

Intriguing science fantasy STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM just released in paperback!

Woohoo! It’s been over a year since the ebook releases, but the paperback volumes of Steel City, Veiled Kingdom are finally available for your reading pleasure! Click the banner below to grab your copies.

STEEL CITY, VEILED KINGDOM is now out in paperback! Click here to get your copy on Amazon.

Buttloads of thanks go to Colleen over at Ampersand Book Interiors, who made the pages look absolutely stunning! I couldn’t be happier with these paperbacks!

New Short Story Release: HELLO, WIZARD

Hello, wizard.

You know what I need to hear.

I’m listening.

Cover for HELLO, WIZARD. Eerie glowing text pops off a wrinkled piece of paper against a stone background.

Deep in a sunless dungeon, a father struggles to hold onto hope.

Then the glowing notes arrive. They offer freedom—for a very simple price.

But some things should never be for sale, even in the darkest places…

HELLO, WIZARD is a tense dark fantasy of integrity and temptation.

Read an excerpt here at Pixelvania Publishing.

This story may be short, but it packs quite a punch!

New! A GINGERSNAP CAT CHRISTMAS – my first paperback release!

A GINGERSNAP CAT CHRISTMAS Book Cover: A ginger cat with a halo smiles at a terrified black and grey kitten hiding behind him.

Gingersnap Cat is an orange tabby feeling blue. Heaven’s paradise, but it’s just not home without his human family by his side. Not even Christmas with his feline friends can cheer him up.

But when Heaven needs an extra paw, Gingersnap answers the call. Sent back to Earth, Gingersnap must help a little kitten fulfill a big destiny!

Announcing my latest Christmas novel (and first paperback release!), A Gingersnap Cat Christmas.

If you’re like me, you love Christmas specials like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Disney’s Prep and Landing, and A Garfield Christmas Special. But while all of these shows are great at talking about Christmas spirit, it’s hard to find a kid-friendly story (with exception of A Charlie Brown Christmas) that even mentions Jesus Christ, the actual reason for the season. And it’s doubly hard to find a Christian Christmas story that’s not too…well…preachy.

That’s why I wrote A GINGERSNAP CAT CHRISTMAS–to meld all the festive fun of a classic Christmas special without leaving the Savior out of his own celebration.

(I also wanted to write a story where the cats are the heroes, instead of selfish jerks.)

Anyway, if you ever wondered what Highway to Heaven would’ve been like with feline stars, you’ll love A Gingersnap Cat Christmas.

At 200 pages long, it’s a great novel for voracious young readers, but with 25 chapters, families can read a chapter a night in December for a new Christmas tradition.

You can…

Thanks for reading, everyone! I hope this book can help you whittle down your Christmas list early. 😉